Thoughts from the heart
We often hear our younger generation described as irresponsible and self-seeking. I reflected on that attitude while I attended the Grand Haven High School musical of 'Guys and Dolls'. The production was magnificently professional, demonstrating well-trained and talented young people who were able to thoroughly entertain their audience. I doubt that there was any parent, sibling or friend in those audiences that was not proud and excited, marvelling at the 100 or so young people on the stage at the final curtain call. They stood and cheered, clapped and whistled their appreciation at these kids and their teachers.
We knew of the countless hours they all had spent planning, rehearsing, building sets, making the signs and adjusting the lights, canvassing for tickets, fund-raising, co-ordinating, orchestrating, singing and dancing. After school, Saturdays, Sundays, they had all worked tirelessly as a team.
I reflected on the talented, selfless staff behind these performances. Did they receive a bonus in their pay packet? I think not! Their reward is in seeing the undeniable talent unfold and express itself, co=operation become the value expressed, self-esteem grow, problem-solving spring into action, pride in school expand, the community coming together to support this amazing effort of our young people.
What hope there is for us all as watch these young people at work and play.
Margaret lawton
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